Monday, June 13, 2005


he looked down, almost empty,
the dashboard said,
but he couldnt go back now,
he floored the pedal.
his mind was blazing.

a fury like no other,
a righteous wrath,
white hot, blinding,
a nemesis he was,
for his mind was blazing.

he blinked,
and through the anger,
agony poked its head,
as a tear drop rolled down,
bringing with it,
the face of his love.

his love lying in blood.
the tear drop evaporated,
skittering on a hotness,
not humanly possible.
his mind was ablaze.

and away he went,
toward the anathema,
a ton of metal,
tires screeching,
his mind screaming.

legends came after,
after the smoke,
and with the silence,
of how one man,
so had his vengance.

a legend, of a blaze,
a blaze so hot and furious,
twas as if god himself,
lent his sword,

a careening ball of fire and fury,
to go away in a blaze of glory.


silverine said...

Bravo..this is one of your best! Keep writing like this and you will give Shakespeare and Blake a run for their money!

Jake said...

@silverine : you are too kind. but thank you.