Wednesday, August 24, 2005


in the dark, under the stars and the sea in front. i close my eyes and feel them crash all around. surround sound. bose got nothing on this. it is, supposedly, called white noise, and i could spend an eternity listening to it. the waves rush, and break themselves apart, only to come back again. an eternal dance. the white foam and the dark waters. its an alien world, and i am in it. a million pin pricks above and the vastness before. no traffic jams, no snarls or inane laughs. no people. just the water the sky and me.

i close my eyes and drown in the sound, drown out the world. i am alien no more, this is me. i am the water raging, and breaking up and coming back to life. this is me, i am the many stars, shining down, eyes in the sky. this is me, the vastness. my head is full of a salty pungence. i inhale deep. my soul drinks it all up, restitution and healing from the dust and grime of life. life? that other pitiful excuse for one. thats alien to me now.

this is my moment. a moment stretcing across forever. buddha had his tree. i have my beach.


silverine said...
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silverine said...

Dreaming of respite or beaches? Nirvana is a concept :)

Mrs. Dalloway said...

And the beach house... Ah- bliss.

Jake said...

silverine what did you write first ? and remove it. *eyebrow raised*
but i am dreaming of both. i should get respite first and then the nirvana. blah.

poornima yes. bliss. to give it up all and get away somewhere ..

MinCat said...


Anonymous said...

hmm..a nice one..a bit marred by lack of good editing. If I were to pick my best chunk of words, it would be the last paragraph.."buddha had his tree. i have my beach."

I am my mind's innocent marvel.. marvelling at this rally of words. They surely have a nice and questioning soul. I am surely not looking at 'what my buddha's tree is', but the words almost tempt me..

great dude..keep it coming..

Jake said...

anonymous and make it new
thank you.

Anonymous said...

Is it too late (2005) to say Groovy! ?

m. said...

oh lovely! i deeply love the sea, so i appreciate the almost religious solemnity of your post :)

Jake said...

flickering flame never. austin

menon gracias.

m appreciate ur appreaciatin' *tippin hat* . religious solemnity ? i was looking for unabated passion and life. but solemnity's good.

Anonymous said...
