Saturday, November 26, 2005


dinner is done
and i sit here
looking, searching, twitching
for my nightly habit

not finding you,
i pick up a pebble
and let it fly
while my mind
skips over everything
with hardly
any interest

my eyes flick
left and right
as my mind invents
reasons and rationalizations
to get rid of this splinter

poking, prodding

it refuses to abate
till i have you
in my sight

you are a nightly habit
and habits are broken
much harder
than they are made

come back

each night,
wanting you
to grant me some respite.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

blood and glory

my sword alive
walking the field
spilling carnage
and blood

madness in me
human no more
praying for respite

an axe
an answer
bowing my head
to redemption

my soul alive
walking the fields
of elysium.

Monday, November 21, 2005

blood and folly

my sword alive
i walk the field
spilling carnage
and blood

a madness is in me
human no more
i pray for respite

i am answered
by an axe
rescuing me
to my elysium

Saturday, November 19, 2005


fills my head now
i am thirsty and take a sip of water
right at this moment -
i could die
a content man

Dead Poet's Society

McAllister: Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams and I'll show you a happy man.
John Keating: But only in their dreams can men be truly free. 'Twas always thus and always thus will be.
McAllister: Tennyson ?
John Keating: No, Keating.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


i dont believe
that i can say more
i shall remain quiet
and smile to myself
some will call me insane
but who says sanity is all ?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

ho hum

Oh to spend all day lying in elysian fields. Staring at the sky. And having millions in the bank.
Its simple really. We realize that passion and romance is all right and fine, but on a full stomach.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


and somewhere
since the beginning of this conversation
'twas something i said
or something i did
you changed
from being chatty
to being quiet and lost
in yesyerday - silent

i sit by the silence
that has you in a hold
moments i dont want to trample in on

with a warm cup of coffee in hand
watching you watch the outside
my fingers tracing figures on the table
not saying anything

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

jakeward bound

illusions they are
illusions you have
about your paths and ways
but all those roads
lead to me.