Saturday, November 26, 2005


dinner is done
and i sit here
looking, searching, twitching
for my nightly habit

not finding you,
i pick up a pebble
and let it fly
while my mind
skips over everything
with hardly
any interest

my eyes flick
left and right
as my mind invents
reasons and rationalizations
to get rid of this splinter

poking, prodding

it refuses to abate
till i have you
in my sight

you are a nightly habit
and habits are broken
much harder
than they are made

come back

each night,
wanting you
to grant me some respite.


zimblymallu said...

um, do you usually find pebbles after dinner while you're just sitting there twitching?
where'd you find that splinter?

Jake said...

tch tch. such a philistine.

dinner is done
i go to some place with pebbles
and i sit here
here being the place of pebbles.

capice ?

zimblymallu said...

sounds very profound. the place of pebbles.

Jake said...

you are very perceptive