Monday, April 25, 2005

Hello world ?

Choices abound. Lj, Yahoo 360 or this ?
This from a guy, who till a year ago would have said "Blogging ? Please. I have better things to do with my time."
I have since sunk to such depths. Crossed over to the dark side. But dear virtuous reader, knowest thou the joy of push button publishing ? I wallow in it. I am such a pig.

But I digress, wot sayest thou ? LJ or Blogger ?
Blog the vote.

Update : have decided to contiue with lj for a while. Blogger shall be real estate for future cyber magnificence.


Jake said...

test comment.

zimblymallu said...

we know it works. what are the benefits of each?

Jake said...

LJ: very simple interfcae and very easy to use, posts and comments show up immediately. but not enough customisation.
Blogger : lot of eye candy and customisation. looks good. google ad sense.
y360! : looks cool. uploading and sharing photos is very easy. so there.

zimblymallu said...

what do you hope to accomplish? which would be the best tool?

Jake said...

good question.only that i havent thought of what i hope to accomplish. bloggin started off to keep me from gettin rusty with the language and for catharsis.
but who blooger looks better than lj and lets me do more ...

silverine said...

Hey u do write well in prose. I am impressed.

Jake said...

could you spread the word ?

MinCat said...

my god! scary! so much thought and research. i bet if i took those comments out of context, the 4th and 5th ones, people would think they referred to job choices or sumfin like that!